


    • Dr.  Suruchi Kalra Choudhary- M.A, M.Phil., Ph D
    • Ms. Manu Walia


    1. The department of English offers English as compulsory subject in BA-I,II, III; Functional English as a vocational subject in BA as well as MA English.
    2. The department organizes English Speaking Course during summer vacations
    3. Remedial Courses for SC and BC students are run by the department
    4. The PG wing organises National Level Literary Quiz every year
    5. For four consecutive years the department has hosted UGC/HEC sponsored National Seminar on contemporary topics.
    6. Every year Swami Vivekananda Day is celebrated by the department. Besides literary Competitions, voluntary donations are collected from the entire college and woolens are distributed amongst the poor and needy in the month of January
    7. Eminent scholars and academicians are invited regularly for extension lectures. To name a few Prof Bhim S Dahiya, Prof Kripa K Gautam, Prof V P Sharma, Prof Anoop Beniwal, Prof Ashutosh Mohan.


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HGC SSR 2013
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